Introducing the Heart of Africa
The Heart of Africa is the 7th quilt in what has turned into my About Africa series. First I made The Joys of Africa. I liked it so much...
Follow my quilting journey
Introducing the Heart of Africa
Ireland, Here We Come!
Introducing I Believe in Travel Angels
Morning Meditation with My Coffee Angel
Introducing I Believe in Wine Angels
Introducing The Romance of Africa
Morning Meditation With My Flowers
Spring — A Time to Begin Again
Praying For Spring Again
Celebrate Women!
Happy March!
The Joys of Africa in her New Home
Sing a Happy Song
Introducing I Believe in Ancestral Angels
SOLD! The Joys of Africa
Introducing I Believe in Music Angels
Praying For Spring
Introducing Whispers From My Angels #8
Introducing I Believe in Legal Angels
Hallelujah! Finally Free as a Bird Listed for Sale