Finding creative ways to celebrate Black History Month is always fun. The name of the game is just to be intentional about acknowledging, appreciating and celebrating Black History.
Even though I hate to see the official celebration end, at my age everyday of my life is Black History. So I hope you will stay tuned as I continue to celebrate my culture through quilts.

My quilt Follow Me to Freedom is symbolic for me in so many ways. It is a traditional Underground Railroad quilt with a little flare. What better way to honor my ancestors than an Underground Railroad quilt! The traditional Underground Railroad blocks are set in a landscape setting to symbolize the trip to freedom. The journey chronicles being enslaved on a Southern plantation and ends as a free person by following the North Star. Of course Harriet is leading the way with one of my angels standing guard.
Follow Me to Freedom is also a lesson in leadership. What a courageous leader Harriet was! I think we can all be leaders in our own way. Just start by helping other people be successful. I think all leaders have that in common.
Freedom is precious. Fight for it! Let's go!
